served ranging from London and Paris to Italy, then through eastern Europe to Istanbul.
London-Italy trip ticket $ 2.350 per person, the Paris-Istanbul $ 6.930
Spoiler for Venice-Simplon Orient Express
Danube Express
A private train, made from recycled car in use by the guest of honor once the government of Hungary.
The tour includes Budapest, Prague, Winna, town Spa, and Draculla castle in Transylvania.
It costs $ 1.518 per person for 3 day trip up to $ 13,000 for the 11-day trip including return airfare kekota departure.
Spoiler for Danube Express
British Pullman
Doperasikan by the same company with the Orient Express, British Pullman offers tourist traveling around England and Scotland.
At a cost of $ 270 per person per day, or a special package from Birmingham or Menchester into Wimbledon tennis tournament, including tickets $ 1.272 spectators.
Spoiler for British Pullman
Alexander Nevsky
Launched in April, overnight tours keretata between Moscow and St. Petersburg.
With modern facilities including satellite TV, internet and furniture typical Russian,
cost for a VIP cabin with 2 bedroom place where $ 600.
Spoiler for Alexander Nevsky
Royal Scotsman
Trains with 9 cars serving tours to the highlands of Scotland, starting 2-7 days.
While menmandangi lake mysterious lochs and mist which surrounds the mountain.
The cost ranges from $ 2.735 s / d $ 8.266 per person
Spoiler for Royal Scotsman
El Transcantábrico
Train culinary, offers 8-day trip to the western part of Spain
from $ 3.546 cost per person
Spoiler for El Transcantábrico
Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian Express
Luxury service at this historic point in starting April 2007, with 12 passenger carriages
-equipped with DVD player, with heated floors in the dining room.
The trip includes between Moscow and Vladivostok for 15 days, including to Mongolia.
Cost ranges from $ 7.495 per person s / d $ 22.195 for a top class suites.
Spoiler for Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian Express