The Kastellet again proved advantageous when it came under attack of the British in the 19th century, during the Napoleonic Wars. Para Kastellet lagi terbukti menguntungkan ketika datang di bawah serangan dari Inggris di abad ke-19, selama Perang Napoleon. Its final major military use cataloged into Danish history was more depressing, as it was the headquarters of the Nazis after they overran the city in World War II. Akhir militer penggunaan utama katalog ke dalam sejarah Denmark lebih menyedihkan, karena merupakan markas besar Nazi setelah mereka menyerbu kota itu pada Perang Dunia II.
Since then, the fortress – like the Rosenborg castle – has been reinvented as a scenic and popular meeting ground, a cultural reference point whose power has little diminished as time passed. Sejak itu, benteng - seperti istana Rosenborg - telah diciptakan kembali sebagai tempat pertemuan indah dan populer, titik referensi budaya yang kekuasaannya telah sedikit berkurang seiring berjalannya waktu. Though soldiers still guard the Kastellet, and are often seen milling about the parade grounds that serve as the busiest section of the citadel, it's mostly an administrative center for the Danish Army and Home Guard in the city. Meskipun tentara masih menjaga Kastellet, dan sering terlihat berseliweran tentang lapangan parade yang berfungsi sebagai bagian tersibuk dari benteng, itu sebagian besar merupakan pusat administrasi untuk Angkatan Darat Denmark dan Home Guard di kota.
Since then, the fortress – like the Rosenborg castle – has been reinvented as a scenic and popular meeting ground, a cultural reference point whose power has little diminished as time passed. Sejak itu, benteng - seperti istana Rosenborg - telah diciptakan kembali sebagai tempat pertemuan indah dan populer, titik referensi budaya yang kekuasaannya telah sedikit berkurang seiring berjalannya waktu. Though soldiers still guard the Kastellet, and are often seen milling about the parade grounds that serve as the busiest section of the citadel, it's mostly an administrative center for the Danish Army and Home Guard in the city. Meskipun tentara masih menjaga Kastellet, dan sering terlihat berseliweran tentang lapangan parade yang berfungsi sebagai bagian tersibuk dari benteng, itu sebagian besar merupakan pusat administrasi untuk Angkatan Darat Denmark dan Home Guard di kota.
Copenhagen This attraction is located in the center of Churchill Park, near the busy area of town center, and the fortress is pretty hard to miss while on tour of the city. Copenhagen attractions are centrally located in Churchill Park, near the busy downtown area, and the fort was quite difficult to miss while touring the city. It has excellent views of the harbor and the entire Langelinie area, making it a favorite of most tourists in the city. Have an excellent view of the harbor and the entire region Langelinie, making it a favorite in the city most tourists.